Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis)
Showing 1–16 of 54 results
Young Southern right whale swimming below the mother, breathing and V- shaped blowing, SLOWMO;DAY;AERIAL
Adult female Southern right whale mother with a young swimming, breathing and V- shaped blowing, AERIAL;DAY
Adult Southern right whale swimming off the frame;AERIAL;DAY
Two Cape Fur Seal swimming near an adult Southern right whale lob tailing and V- shaped blowing, DAY;AERIAL; SLOWMO
Adult female Southern right whale mother with a young swimming over and below and blowing [V- shaped] AERIAL;DAY; SLOWMO
Adult Southern right whale defecating and swimming, AERIAL;DAY;SLOWMO
Adult Southern right whale swimming and lob tailing, AERIAL; SLOWMO
Young Southern right whale swimming over and below her mother and blowing [V- shaped blowing], AERIAL;DAY;SLOW
Adult female Southern right whale and a young swimming below, lob tailing and V- shaped blow, AERIAL; DAY
Adult female and young Southern right whale swimming and V- shaped blowing, AERIAL;DAY;SLOWMO
Adult female Southern right whale and her young swimming, lob tailing and V- shaped blow, AERIAL;DAY;SLOWMO
Young Southern right whale swimming past the frame, AERIAL;DAY;SLOWMO
Adult female Southern right whale and her young swimming and lob tailing, AERIAL; DAY;SLOWMO
Adult female Southern right whale and a young swimming and lob tailing, AERIAL;DAY;SLOWMO
Adult Southern right whale swimming, lob tailing and V- shaped blow, AERIAL;DAY;SLOWMO
Two Adult and a young Southern right whale courtship behaviour, swimming with a Cape fur seal and off frame. AERIAL;DAY;SLOWMO