Showing all 15 results
Cheetah takes down a Thomson’s Gazelle.
Leopard takes down an Impala with a swift bite while laying down.
African Lioness chasing Warthog piglet on savannah catching and killing piglet WS
Spotted Hyena and a flock of Vultures feeding on a Pregnant Wildebeest Carcass Hyena takes the Fetus and starts feeding away from the Vultures GENERAL BEHAVIOUR BLOODY MLS
African Lioness stalking chase catches and Suffocates a young Blue Wildebeest calf WS
Leopard seal hunting and catching Gentoo penguins in Antarctica
Lioness attack lone Cape Buffalo, Buffalo fight back. Elephant chases Lioness away, but Lioness kills injured Buffalo, AmCam
Wild Dog pack attack and catch Impala in water dam AmCam WS
Pride of Lions takedown Male Giraffe
Lions digging up Warthogs from their burrow and takedown whole warthog family, Botswana
Leopard (Panthera pardus) camouflaged in tree stalking then attack Impala from tree, catch and kill Impala AmCam
Lion Pride attack and takedown Wildebeest
African Lions hunt attack and kill Cape Buffalo at NIGHT
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) chasing and killing a Grant’s gazelle.
Juvenile Cheetahs chase try to Takedown Springhare