Potato bass (Epinephelus tukula)
Showing all 12 results
Octopus laying down on coral reef underwater in ocean and Potato Bass passing by MS HAND
Octopus with Potato Bass and Estuary Perches moving and swimming on coral reef underwater in ocean LS TRAVELING SHOT HAND
Octopus camouflaging itself moving on coral reef with a Potato Bass swimming next to it MLS PAN HAND
Potato Bass swimming underwater in ocean deep Feeding on Sardine PAN ACROSS the Marine Invertebrates MCU TRA HAND
Potato Bass swimming underwater in ocean deep and feeding on a Sardine HA MS PAN HAND
Potato Bass swimming and feeding on dead Sardines underwater in ocean deep MS TRA PAN HAND
Potato Bass swimming and feeding underwater in ocean deep CU PAN HAND
Potato Bass swimming underwater in ocean deep passing by camera MLS TRA
Potato Bass swimming and feeding underwater in ocean deep CU MS PAN HAND
Potato Bass swimming underwater in ocean deep and feeding MLS TRA PAN HAND
Potato bass Swimming in Ocean Deep Searching for Food MLS GENERAL BEHAVIOUR
Potato bass on coral reef feeding on fish from diver, into bait, MS,MCU