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A Large Herd of Blue Wildebeests Swimming to the other side of the River with some drowning GREAT MIGRATION GENERAL BEHAVIOUR AmCam HA
Blue Wildebeest Trying to Swim out of the River Drowning and Moving to the Riverbank AmCam
Nile Crocodile attack and catch kill Wildebeest crossing the Mara River AmCam
Blue Wildebeest herds migrating across the Mara River, Nile Crocodiles attack and catch wildebeest AmCam
Blue Wildebeest migrating caught by Nile Crocodile crossing Mara River MS being submerged MS
Blue Wildebeest caught by Nile Crocodile crossing Mara MS being submerged drowned MCU
Wildebeest Gnu being swept away by river MCU