Showing 1–16 of 24 results
Wide tracking shot of a day octopus sitting on the reef in disguise showing how well he hides in camouflage. Note colour change.
Close up shot of a sepia bandensis commonly known as the stumpy-spined cuttlefish, pygmy or dwarf cuttlefish that swims off the reef changing color from deep pink to yellow and catches its prey
Close up tracking shot of a mimic octopus, octopus sp19, Thaumoctopus mimicus moving along the sea bed and changing color
Cuttlefish, changing colour and laying eggs on coral reef
A close up shot of a Cuttlefish, Sepia spp floating over hard coral with pulsating/changing colors
A close up shot of a Cuttlefish, Sepia spp floating over hard coral with pulsating/changing colors
A dramatic close up shot of a day octopus walking tall along the reef changing colour and texture
A dramatic close up of a day octopus with its webbed tentacles open changing colour and texture
Close up front view of a Wonderspus octopus Wonderpus photogenicus and its large tentacles swirling as it slides along the sea bed. Note color change and suckers
Close up of a Veined octopus or coconut octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus slides along the sea bed following small fish to eat. Note color change
Close up tracking shot of a Veined octopus or coconut octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus who emerges out of hiding and slides along the sea bed. Color change
Close up side view of the whole Veined octopus or coconut octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus sliding along the sea bed. Color change
Macro slow motion shot of the whole body of a blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochaena sp breathing heavily after mating. Note the color change on its body
A pair of blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochaena sp mating, one dashed off finds its mate and quitly mates. Note color change
[2] Male Lions Waking up [1] Changes the spots and they sleep again GENERAL BEHAVIOR
Tracking shot of a white net-Octopus, octopus sp2 swimming over the sea sand. Note color change