Bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus)
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Giant trevally, bluefin trevally and whitetip reef shak swim past the camera
A school of a bluefin trevally fish darting around in the ocean
A large school of Bluefin Trevally, Coranx melampygus fish
A large school of Bluefin Trevally, Coranx melampygus darting around in the ocean
Wide shot of hundreds of anchovy cloud the coral reef while bluefin jacks, bluefin trevally and bigeye trevally fish hunt causing fish to away from the danger
Wide shot of a large school of anchovy cloud the coral reef while bluefin jacks, bluefin trevally prepare to hunt
Bluefin Kingfish passing camera on coral reef and school of Estuary Perches swimming in background MLS PAN HAND
Bluefin Kingfish swimming and turning on coral reef underwater in ocean and passing by camera MWS PAN HAND
Bluefin Kingfish swimming and turning on coral reef underwater in ocean and school of Black and White MLS PAN HAND