African penguin (Spheniscus demersus)
Showing 1–16 of 115 results
Adult African Penguin colony, standing, looking up, down, around and preening.
Adult African Penguin colony, standing, looking around and preening themselves, late afternoon.
African Penguin colony standing, shaking, preening themselves and looking around. Misty during dawn.
African penguins colony standing, walking and looking around.
African Penguin colony standing, basking, resting and preening themselves during daytime.
Adult and young African Penguin colony standing and moving on beach with rocks during snowfall.
Three African Penguins shaking, looking around and flapping their flippers.
Group of African Penguins standing, preening, looking around and shaking head.
African Penguin standing, searching and shaking its head.
A colony of African penguins standing and preening, general behaviour.
African Penguin Close Up webbed feet and legs that are set back on the body and walking away from the camera.
Adult African Penguin looking across walking on beach rocks with its Black webbed feet.
Adult African Penguin sandy Black webbed Feet, walking around.
MCU of African Penguin Black webbed feet and and flipper.
MS of an African penguin chick standing, sleepy and looking around.
HA of a African penguins chick standing and falling asleep.