Showing 1–16 of 4491 results
Adult and young of Cape buffalo herd aggressive behaviour tossing young African Lion cub in air, XWS; CLOUDS.
Aggressive behaviour display of adult Cape buffalo herd tossing young African Lion cub in air, WS; CLOUDS
C0286 CBI0242_00-29-26-07.mov
Adult Sea otter digging on the sea floor using its paws searching for preys and swims out of frame. UW;DAY.
C0286 CBI0242_00-28-22-17.mov
Adult Sea otter using its forelegs paws digging on sea floor searching and to locate preys. UW;DAY.
C0286 CBI0242_00-27-52-12.mov
Adult Sea otter hunting while digging with forelegs paws on the sea floor searching for preys during daytime, UW.
C0286 CBI0242_00-25-38-14.mov
Adult Sea otter digging and foraging for preys on the sea floor, DAY;UW.
C0286 CBI0242_00-22-26-25.mov
Adult Sea Otter successful hunt of clams and swimming towards the water surface. UW. DAY.
C0286 CBI0242_00-21-19-22.mov
Pair of adult Sea Otters foraging and searching for clams on the sea floor. MWS;UW. DAY.