Showing 1–16 of 1206 results
A bait ball of common dolphins in action SHAKY AmCam OVERCAST TOPSIDE
Elephant calf stuck in mud, Mother and herd rescue baby AmCam [AUDIO]
Spotted Hyena puppy resting on veld
Saddle-billed Stork standing inside river looking around and Impala herd walking on riverbank in background
Impala standing on bushveld looking around and Redbilled Oxperckers moving on it
Warthog and Impala in background walking and grazing on bushveld
Red-crested Korhaan walking and looking around on bushveld
Rock Monitor climbing down tree and crawling on veld
Sable herd walking on bushveld
Waterbuck standing on bushveld looking around then drinking from waterhole
Waterbuck standing on bushveld drinking from waterhole
Zebra and Blue Wildebeest herds walking on bushveld and drinking from waterhole
Warthog standing on veld grazing
Steenbok standing on bushveld grazing